Finished purse.
Supplies: 6" X 9" outside fabric, 6" X 9" lining fabric, 8" zipper, zipper pull, thread, size 14 needle.
I used outdoor fabric for the outside and 420 denier nylon pack cloth for the lining. The zipper is size 4.5 from a continuous roll. Regular thread and size 14 universal needle.
With right sides together (the pack cloths right side is dull and the wrong side is shiny), sew the 9" long side using 1/4" seam. I just use the side of my zipper foot as a guide. Repeat with the other 9" side.
It should look like this.
Turn the fabric right sides out and flatten the edge with your fingers. Do not iron because too hot an iron
will melt the pack cloth.
Place the zipper along the 6" side of the purse with the outer fabric facing up. Notice that one end of the zipper is cut into a v shape. This will help with putting the pull on later.
Adjust your needle position to the left. I don't have a zipper foot, so I just rest the left side of my zipper foot in the middle of the zipper. Sew along the edge of the zipper being careful not to run your needle over the plastic coil.
Adjust your needle position and right. Flip zipper around the back and top stitch.
Fold purse with right sides together until zipper is equal to the top of the other 6" side. Stitch the zipper to the purse just like before.
Open zipper and top stitch other side.
At the end of the zipper (on the v side), put one side of the zipper through the top of the pull about half way down. Put the other half into the other side of the pull. Push both sides of the zipper through, hold the lower part of the v that is hanging, and zip the pull across until it comes off the other end. The zipper should be closed with the pull off the zipper. Go back to the v, pull the zipper open about an inch, and put the pull on as before stopping in the middle of the purse. The next picture will show the placement of the pull from the inside.
Flip purse inside out and cut excess zipper off.
Sew the side seams with your needle in the center position.
Turn the purse right side out pushing the 4 corners to a point.